“If you liked me as a vendor, you’ll love me as a competitor!” The importance of non-compete obligations in a sale of business contract

A standard inclusion in many sale of business contracts (or share sale agreements) is the promise of the vendor not to compete with the business post sale. Whilst, generally speaking, non-compete or restraint of trade obligations in employment contracts can be notoriously difficult to enforce, in the context of a sale of business there is [...]

2022-07-18T06:33:28+00:00July 18th, 2022|Business Advice|Comments Off on “If you liked me as a vendor, you’ll love me as a competitor!” The importance of non-compete obligations in a sale of business contract

My workforce is no longer subject to vaccination mandates – but what are my ongoing OH&S obligations as an employer?

As many of you would be aware, the majority of Victorian workers are no longer covered by specific Pandemic Orders relating to mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. Unless your business operates in the healthcare, aged-care or emergency services areas, it is no longer mandatory for workers to be vaccinated in order to attend the workplace. But what [...]

2022-07-18T06:06:14+00:00July 18th, 2022|Employment Law|Comments Off on My workforce is no longer subject to vaccination mandates – but what are my ongoing OH&S obligations as an employer?
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