A quick Q&A covering COVID-related employment scenarios

With Victoria currently in the middle of Stage 4 restrictions, with impending announcements to be made in the next few weeks concerning the lifting of restrictions (hopefully!), it’s a good time to revisit some of the trickier scenarios surrounding employment and employment-related laws. There’s a lot of information out there at the moment, but as [...]

2020-09-07T03:28:37+00:00September 7th, 2020|Business Advice, Corporate Advisory, employees, Employment Law|Comments Off on A quick Q&A covering COVID-related employment scenarios

The OHS dangers of flexible working arrangements and how to avoid them

When does an Accounting Firm owe a duty with respect to occupational health and safety to employees who work from home? What are those duties? What can or should an accounting firm do to fulfil any obligation owed to employees who work from home? Do the employer’s obligations differ, and if so how, when the [...]

2020-05-12T04:32:25+00:00May 4th, 2018|Business Advice, Compliance, employees, Employment Law|Comments Off on The OHS dangers of flexible working arrangements and how to avoid them
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