ATO Recommencing Directors Penalty Notices – Company Directors TAKE NOTE!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ATO offered administrative relief to businesses who were experiencing financial difficulty. However, Directors were not absolved from their personal liability under the director penalty regime. Now that lockdowns have ended and we are resuming something that resembles a ‘normal life’, the ATO has recommenced its quest to recoup unpaid taxes, [...]

2022-04-20T05:52:13+00:00April 20th, 2022|Business Advice, Corporate Advisory, Tax|Comments Off on ATO Recommencing Directors Penalty Notices – Company Directors TAKE NOTE!

5 reasons why those cut and pasted Terms & Conditions are a bad idea

Like ill-fitting budgie-smugglers T&Cs are often crafted with a particular business in mind and the unique challenges it faces. At best, using someone else’s means the terms are likely not effective protection for your particular business and, at worst, they won’t fit and may inadequately cover critical things that are unique to your business. Well, [...]

2022-04-20T23:51:12+00:00April 4th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 reasons why those cut and pasted Terms & Conditions are a bad idea
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