The NFT and copyright conundrum

The rise of the digital currency era brings about a diverse empire of digital tokens, including cryptocurrencies and the elusive NFT’s which have taken the 21st century by storm. NFT’s have created ample controversy in the copyright field, particularly regarding what constitutes a copyright infringement in the digital world. Below, we discuss what exactly an NFT [...]

2022-10-17T23:36:33+00:00October 17th, 2022|Intellectual Property|Comments Off on The NFT and copyright conundrum

Without Prejudice

All businesses dread being embroiled in a dispute. It takes away time and resources from more pertinent business activities to grow and strengthen the business. Business disputes are very much a part of a business. Employing strategies and ensuring a budget to deal with disputes is important. To reduce costs, a business may choose to [...]

2022-10-04T04:59:40+00:00October 3rd, 2022|Dispute Resolution, Litigation|Comments Off on Without Prejudice
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