Changes to the Miscellaneous Award 2020, make sure your business isn’t caught out!

The Fair Work Commission recently made significant changes to the Miscellaneous Award 2020 (the Miscellaneous Award), which came into effect on 1 July 2020. It is important that all businesses review their current employment arrangements, to ensure that employees who were thought to be ‘non-award covered’ employees have not been caught in the wider net now cast [...]

2020-11-30T05:04:02+00:00November 30th, 2020|Business Advice, Compliance, Corporate Advisory, employees, Employment Law|Comments Off on Changes to the Miscellaneous Award 2020, make sure your business isn’t caught out!

A quick Q&A covering COVID-related employment scenarios

With Victoria currently in the middle of Stage 4 restrictions, with impending announcements to be made in the next few weeks concerning the lifting of restrictions (hopefully!), it’s a good time to revisit some of the trickier scenarios surrounding employment and employment-related laws. There’s a lot of information out there at the moment, but as [...]

2020-09-07T03:28:37+00:00September 7th, 2020|Business Advice, Corporate Advisory, employees, Employment Law|Comments Off on A quick Q&A covering COVID-related employment scenarios

Extension of JobKeeper provisions in the Fair Work Act (FWA)

Legislation was passed on 1 September 2020 to extend the JobKeeper scheme until 28 March 2021. Accordingly, the JobKeeper provisions in the FWA were also extended, with some changes. The extended provisions take effect from 28 September 2020 and apply until 28 March 2021. Under the extended provisions, qualifying employers who are receiving JobKeeper payments [...]

2020-09-03T05:49:42+00:00September 3rd, 2020|Business Advice, Compliance, Corporate Advisory, employees, Employment Law|Comments Off on Extension of JobKeeper provisions in the Fair Work Act (FWA)

Can you request your JobKeeper employees to work more hours?

Yes. But the request must be considered ‘reasonable’. If an employer requests an employee to work on different days, or at different times (outside of their ‘ordinary hours’), the employee must consider the request and cannot unreasonably refuse. A ‘reasonable’ refusal would be situations such as caregiving responsibilities. If an employee unreasonably refuses the request, [...]

2020-09-01T20:33:19+00:00September 1st, 2020|Business Advice, Compliance, Corporate Advisory, employees, Employment Law|Comments Off on Can you request your JobKeeper employees to work more hours?
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