Should I formally document my arrangements with suppliers? The (not so) obvious commercial advantages of Supply Agreements

Should we bother with a Supply Agreement? For a lawyer, the above question is akin to asking “should I tie my shoe laces?” but putting the legal ‘nerd alert’ to one side, there are many good commercial reasons why it is important to have a supply agreement in place. Whilst the list of benefits is [...]

2021-01-27T00:47:15+00:00January 27th, 2021|Business Advice, Contracts, Corporate Advisory|Comments Off on Should I formally document my arrangements with suppliers? The (not so) obvious commercial advantages of Supply Agreements

Accounting for IP in a Sale of Business: Know what you’re giving away (and charge for it!)

Gaining a thorough understanding of what your business is worth is a tricky process. Regardless of past investments and future potential, ultimately it will only be worth what somebody is (currently) willing to pay for it. Too often however, in formulating a sale price, many business owners will neglect to take proper account of (or [...]

2020-05-12T04:23:53+00:00May 21st, 2019|Business Advice, Contracts, Corporate Advisory, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on Accounting for IP in a Sale of Business: Know what you’re giving away (and charge for it!)

What’s Mine is Yours! Owning Your IP in the Gig Economy

A huge benefit to start-ups and established business alike has been the advent of the gig economy: lower cost, remote, ready and willing workers with unique skill sets that are ideal for one-off engagements.  This revolution has aided in the realisation of some great ideas where previously idea originators lacked the know-how, resources or time [...]

2020-05-12T04:27:57+00:00October 25th, 2018|Business Advice, Contracts, Corporate Advisory, employees|Comments Off on What’s Mine is Yours! Owning Your IP in the Gig Economy
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