Director Personal Liability for Employee Entitlements

In this recent Federal Circuit Court decision the court ordered the director to personally pay compensation and penalties for his involvement in underpayment of award entitlements. This is another example of the court’s looking behind the corporate veil to hold individual directors accountable for their company’s conduct. It is important that employers are alert to their obligations [...]

2017-06-26T17:25:21+00:00May 27th, 2017|Business Advice, Contracts, Employment Law|Comments Off on Director Personal Liability for Employee Entitlements

Design Registration

A recent boom in the sports apparel market has seen leading companies register a range of designs with IP Australia in an effort to better protect their intellectual property rights. As IP Australia have usefully summarised, design registration is intended to protect designs which have an industrial or commercial use. A design refers to the features [...]

2017-06-26T03:54:08+00:00May 15th, 2017|Intellectual Property, Trademarks|Comments Off on Design Registration

The importance of having a solicitor review your lease

When is a commercial lease governed by the Retail Leases Act 2003 (Vic)? In a recent matter before the Victorian Supreme Court, CB Cold Storage Pty Ltd v IMCC Group Pty Ltd, the Court had to make the decision as to whether the services provided by CB Cold Storage came under the description of ‘retail [...]

2017-06-26T15:50:39+00:00May 8th, 2017|Business Advice, Contracts|Comments Off on The importance of having a solicitor review your lease

ATO target high-risk small businesses

Businesses that trade mostly on a cash basis are currently being targeted by the ATO in efforts to uncover undeclared revenue.   Common business types they are cracking down on are cafes, bars, restaurants and hair & beauty salons as these types of businesses predominantly deal with cash. If the ATO were to audit your [...]

2017-06-26T15:47:23+00:00May 8th, 2017|Business Advice, Contracts, Employment Law|Comments Off on ATO target high-risk small businesses
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