Accounting for IP in a Sale of Business: Know what you’re giving away (and charge for it!)

Gaining a thorough understanding of what your business is worth is a tricky process. Regardless of past investments and future potential, ultimately it will only be worth what somebody is (currently) willing to pay for it. Too often however, in formulating a sale price, many business owners will neglect to take proper account of (or [...]

2020-05-12T04:23:53+00:00May 21st, 2019|Business Advice, Contracts, Corporate Advisory, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on Accounting for IP in a Sale of Business: Know what you’re giving away (and charge for it!)

All care and no responsibility: Why unreasonable standard terms contracts might be a risk to your business

Historically, many businesses have sought to use their standard Terms and Conditions of trade (typically attached to an invoice or quote) to completely shield themselves from responsibility by incorporating clauses which heavily favour their own interests at the disadvantage of their customers or suppliers. The common logic for such an approach was that “if things [...]

2020-05-12T04:24:01+00:00May 12th, 2019|Business Advice, Contracts, Dispute Resolution|Comments Off on All care and no responsibility: Why unreasonable standard terms contracts might be a risk to your business
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