As we speak, most of Australia is currently governed by several Directives, concerning mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations. Most prominently, on 7 October 2021, the COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Workers) Direction came into force in Victoria, which relates to all authorised providers and authorised workers who are not working from home.

Many Employers are scrambling to understand their obligations under these unprecedented Directions and understandably, the Directions are causing a lot of stress and anxiety for workers and employers alike.

As an Employer, it is imperative that you understand your obligations surrounding these Directions. However, it is also important to understand your general obligations when it comes to workplace health and safety and your decisions around mandating (or not mandating) the COVID-19 vaccine, irrespective of any Directions that might be in place.

Our employment law Senior Associate, Francine Hoyne-Clancy has been working with clients since the beginning of the pandemic, assisting them to navigate the constantly changing environment we all find ourselves in. Francine has a thorough understanding and knowledge of how the Directions work, as well as what Employers need to be aware of both now and into the future as the pandemic continues to play out in our lives.

Join us on Thursday at 1pm to hear Francine talk us through the current state of play and what Employers need to consider in their workplace both now and into the future.

Topics covered will include:

  • COVID-19 mandatory vaccination government directives;
  • Workplace health and safety obligations when considering mandatory vaccination in the workplace;
  • Lawful and reasonable directions to workers to be vaccinated – what does this mean?
  • Other concerns that Employers have, such as discrimination, privacy, human rights and what is to be expected in the long-term.

Thursday 21st October 2021


Zoom link will be sent out to registrants

Please register by Wednesday 20th October to Ann-Maree Migale
on 0499 771 021 or e:



Francine Hoyne-Clancy

Francine is an experienced commercial lawyer, with particular expertise in the areas of workplace relations/employment law.

Francine has a broad range of expertise in both litigious and non-litigious matters. She regularly advises employer-clients on a wide range of employment-related matters including employment contracts and policies, award interpretation, restraint of trade, redundancies and bullying/discrimination/harassment issues. More recently, Francine has been providing assistance to many organisations that are navigating the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused for workplaces.

Francine also represents employer-clients in the Fair Work Commission or the State and Federal Courts in unfair dismissal and general protections applications, underpayment claims and proceedings involving discrimination or harassment.

Francine holds degrees in Law and Business Management and thoroughly enjoys engaging with all of her clients and assisting their business endeavours.

Also passionate about giving back to the community, Francine has been a non-executive director of a state Not-for-Profit organisation in the disability sector and a member of the Committee of Management of Women in Insolvency & Restructuring Victoria (WIRV).

We hope you can make it!