EOFY – Employment Law Compliance Checklist

The End of Financial Year (EOFY) is a great time for businesses to check-in on their general practices and procedures when it comes to employing people. Employment in Australia is a highly regulated area of law and one that needs to be strictly complied with in order to avoid potential penalties and lawsuits. Protecting your [...]

2022-06-17T00:11:37+00:00June 17th, 2022|Employment Law|Comments Off on EOFY – Employment Law Compliance Checklist

NSW Supreme Court challenges to mandatory vaccination fail

Kassam v Hazzard; Henry v Hazzard [2021] NSWSC 1320 On Friday 15 October 2021, two challenges to the NSW public health orders, restricting activities of residents who had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 (including their ability to work in certain industries) were dismissed by Justice Robert Beech-Jones in the NSW Supreme Court. The proceedings were [...]

2021-10-25T00:17:53+00:00October 25th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on NSW Supreme Court challenges to mandatory vaccination fail

Casual employees – Important changes businesses need to know

There have been some very important changes recently to the laws regarding casual employees. The National Employment Standards now include a right for a casual employee to become a full-time or part-time employee in the following circumstances: They have been with the same employer for 12 months; They have worked a regular pattern of hours [...]

2021-04-27T23:57:51+00:00April 27th, 2021|Business Advice, Corporate Advisory, employees, Employment Law, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Casual employees – Important changes businesses need to know

Underpaying your employees may cost you more than you think

Underpaying your employees, knowingly or not, could cost your business more than you think. In addition to back paying your employees, you may be ordered to pay a penalty. A small coach company (Ava Travel) was recently penalised a total of $163,300 for unintentionally underpaying two of its employees despite a judge finding the breaches [...]

2020-05-12T04:27:19+00:00January 8th, 2019|Business Advice, Compliance, Contracts, employees, Employment Law|Comments Off on Underpaying your employees may cost you more than you think
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