Commercial Leasing Basics – Accurately describing and assessing the ‘Permitted Use’

The “permitted use” section in a lease describes how a tenant is allowed to use the premises during the lease term. The permitted use is often located in the ‘Schedule’ or ‘Particulars’ of the lease (usually at the back or front of the document) and is tied to provisions within the lease’s general terms. Those [...]

2022-01-23T03:10:22+00:00January 23rd, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Commercial Leasing Basics – Accurately describing and assessing the ‘Permitted Use’

Commercial Leasing Basics – Who pays lease preparation costs?

When commercial landlords and tenants are in the process of negotiating a new premises lease, it is common for some initial agreement to be made in relation to the costs for preparation of lease documentation. This can often take the form of a clause contained within an estate agent’s proforma Lease Offer document. In many [...]

2022-01-23T04:04:07+00:00January 9th, 2022|Property|Comments Off on Commercial Leasing Basics – Who pays lease preparation costs?

Sale of Business Basics: Asset or Share Sale?

Often the first fundamental question a lawyer will ask when requested to prepare documentation for a sale of a business is: Are you conducting an Asset or a Share sale? Whilst for the most part this is a fairly straightforward consideration, oftentimes buyers and sellers will not fully understand the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of [...]

2021-11-03T23:51:15+00:00September 16th, 2021|Business Advice, Corporate Advisory|Comments Off on Sale of Business Basics: Asset or Share Sale?

Mind your business (IP): The importance of guarding your intellectual property in supply relationships

Receiving an order from a new customer or distributor for your innovative product or service can be an exciting and rewarding event, particularly for SMEs trying to crack an interstate or overseas market. Oftentimes though, in the eagerness to cement this new supply channel, businesses can overlook the importance of setting ground rules when it [...]

2021-03-10T00:51:11+00:00March 10th, 2021|Business Advice, Contracts, Corporate Advisory, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on Mind your business (IP): The importance of guarding your intellectual property in supply relationships
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