Show some restraint! Ensuring you’re not letting the fox into the hen house when taking on a new partner

In the hope of expanding their businesses and opening up new horizons, many owners of growing companies are both keen and flattered when an experienced industry player shows interest in purchasing a substantial stake their business entity. Oftentimes, apart from the opportunities and prospects that come with a substantial capital injection, the advantages of bringing [...]

2020-05-12T04:21:16+00:00January 29th, 2020|Business Advice, Business Partnerships, Contracts, Corporate Advisory, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on Show some restraint! Ensuring you’re not letting the fox into the hen house when taking on a new partner

How should I be credited on a film, tv or music project?

When you are collaborating on a film, television or music project, one question that continually faces artists is, “How should I be credited?” Whilst we all want that credit to make our CV’s more reputable, more importantly is the issue of who owns the copyright. In particular, who owns the rights to the script? The [...]

2020-05-12T04:23:11+00:00September 3rd, 2019|Business Advice, Contracts, Corporate Advisory, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on How should I be credited on a film, tv or music project?

Accounting for IP in a Sale of Business: Know what you’re giving away (and charge for it!)

Gaining a thorough understanding of what your business is worth is a tricky process. Regardless of past investments and future potential, ultimately it will only be worth what somebody is (currently) willing to pay for it. Too often however, in formulating a sale price, many business owners will neglect to take proper account of (or [...]

2020-05-12T04:23:53+00:00May 21st, 2019|Business Advice, Contracts, Corporate Advisory, Intellectual Property|Comments Off on Accounting for IP in a Sale of Business: Know what you’re giving away (and charge for it!)
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